Come gather round activists, scorn your contempt
And I sing you the praise of something like hemp.
It’s twiddled and turned all the way, up and down
And it’s strongest of all in the woods to be found.
For without it a Tripod would not stand up high
And a treehouse would tumble and fall from the sky
So now jolly comrades, turn your brains to full skill,
Say the name of the thing and praise it with a will
A rope, a rope, a polyprop rope, a rope is good for tying
A rope, a rope, a polyprop rope, a rope is good for
Doing nothing but hanging around on a rope, a rope, a polyprop rope
The sky is so blue, so far is the ground
On a rope, a polyprop rope
To climb up to the high pod, you can’t build a ramp,
So you trust all your weight to something like hemp.
To enjoy the great lookout when you’re on the top,
Tie yourself to the mast to make sure not to drop.
Thus safe you will stand with your spyglass in hand
And have a close watch over forest and land.
Then shout it out loudly when the cops come in sight
And tie your harness fast to stand with the fight.
On a
Be confirmed jolly comrades that an activist’s friend
Is that thing that’s made up out of something like hemp.
When it comes to a fight, tie your hooks to a cord
Then climb up the trees and don’t let them come up,
Put your feet on a traverse and walk on a rope
For those who stand fast will escape from the cops
And when it’s all over and the forest’s our gain,
Sing loudly and proudly this jolly refrain :
But when you’re in GeSa where mean cops are found
Stay away from all talking or soon you’ll be bound…
Nor the sweet ties of promise nor the sour ties of jail
Can make you tell Actions, or Structures, or Names!
To offers and threats you have nothing to say
They will let you out soon for they can’t make you stay.
Back in the woods, you’re no more with the cops!
So join in, smoke the hemp and cheer the polyprop!
(chorus)last verse is from the old pirate song, it’s about what they want to do to us, and how we face it :
When all travelling and treasuring will have come to an end
The best way to leave is to swing on the hemp.
It’s a moment so proud and a feeling so rare
To end up your life high up in the clear air.
The poor and the noble all gather around
When I free my old feet from the touch of the ground,
When maidens do mourn and peasants do pray
These last lines to laud my new host I will say :
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