Mitmachen von Zuhause aus

OUTSIDE THE FOREST (deutsche Übersetzung kommt bald; gefunden bei @besch bleibt)

How you can get involved

Without support from outside, many things in the forest would not work. On this page you will find information on how to get involved. If you have another idea, we would be very interested to hear from you.
Feel free to get in touch if you have the time and inclination to get involved. (Click here)
If you would like to support us with donations of materials or money, take a look here. (Click here)

Outside support

The list is not complete and maybe you can think of something else yourself. We appreciate your support and it would be nice if you could see yourself as part of the cast. It’s not about who sleeps in the forest and how often, or who brings food. No matter how you participate, you are welcome to see yourself as an activist or as part of the occupation.

Take rubbish home from us after your visit
Help us with buying something online
Offer to take rubbish to you for disposal occasionally
Letting us use a shower or washing machine occasionally
Let us use a printer occasionally
Let us use a workshop occasionally
Offer a guest room for emergencies
Offer a car for transporting materials
Tell your friends and family about us
Paint us a banner 🙂

Visit us in the forest and get to know us

Bring food (we prefer vegan food and don’t want you to have to do the shopping for us, but we are happy to receive saved food from e.g. foodsharing, fruit from your garden, etc.)

Organise material donations and bring them by (again, please don’t buy anything for us, many things can be obtained second-hand and for free).

Organise events in the forest (forest walks, wild herb walks, concerts, discussion groups, children’s birthday parties or whatever you can think of).

An eviction means that the police will come and take us down from the trees and destroy everything that has been built up. If this changes, we need more support:

Emotional support, because evictions are very stressful and distressing.

GeSa support (GeSa = „Gefangenensammelstelle“ = prisoner collection centre or also police station), i.e. waiting outside the station for people who are in the GeSa and welcoming people with food, tea and an open ear

The organisation and supervision of a legal camp location

Food already cooked or a kitchen for everyone to cook at the legal assembly place, for example

People dealing with legal assistance and organising an investigation committee

Be loud and attentive with us on the spot (many observers protect us from arbitrary violence from the police)

Get cleared with us (it’s best to discuss this with us beforehand, then we can explain the legal and health risks)

You are also welcome to let us know now if you would like to organise or help to organise structures in case of an eviction. The more that is organised in advance, the better.

Press and Social Media Team

The team has contact with the press, i.e. newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, etc. It sends out texts and talks to the press. It sends out texts and talks to the press. The cast needs attention and should be seen on many channels. We also have social media channels. These are Instagram, Twitter and Telegram. There we are called @beschbleibt.
We want to make sure that as many people as possible know about the occupation.

Ein Ausschnitt des Textes auf einfacher Sprache


Du kannst bei der Out-of-Action-Struktur mitmachen.

Out of Action ist englisch.

Das heißt Außerhalb der Aktion.

Du kannst Menschen helfen die im Wald wohnen.

Zum Beispiel kannst du den Menschen zuhören.

Manchmal ist das Leben im Wald nicht einfach.

Nicht schön ist der Kontakt mit der Polizei.

Die Polizei ist oft gewaltvoll.

Die Polizei beleidigt und schlägt Menschen.

Danach ist es gut mit anderen Menschen zu sprechen.

Manchmal müssen Menschen zu der Polizei-Wache.

In der Polizei-Wache sind die Menschen dann für ein paar Stunden eingesperrt.

Es ist schön wenn Menschen draußen warten.

Das kannst du auch machen.

Im Wald gibt es keine Waschmaschine.

Im Wald gibt es keine Dusche.

Du kannst Menschen zu dir nachhause einladen.

Dann können die Menschen duschen.

Dann können die Menschen deine Waschmaschine benutzen.


Du kannst beim Presse-Team mitmachen.

Das Presse-Team hat Kontakt zu der Presse.

Zu der Presse gehören Zeitungen, Radiosender und Fernsehsender.

Das Presse-Team schickt Texte an die Presse.

Das Presse-Team spricht auch mit der Presse.

Die Waldbesetzung braucht Öffentlichkeit.

In den Zeitungen sollen Texte über die Waldbesetzung stehen.

Im Radio soll über die Waldbesetzung gesprochen werden.

Im Fernsehen soll die Waldbesetzung gezeigt werden.

Viele Menschen sollen von der Waldbesetzung wissen.

Das ist die Aufgabe vom Presse-Team.

Du kannst das Presse-Team anrufen.

Die Nummer ist ***

Du kannst beim Presse-Team mitmachen.

And to be informed about new things. We are happy to have new people on the team. No matter if you have experience or not.